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- Bluetooth Control
- Drawing Robot
- XY Plotter
- Balancing Robot
- 카메라
- WeMos D1 mini
- Robonoid
- AxiDraw
- Robot Platform
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- Laser Engraver
- raspberry pi
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- CoreXY
- WiFi Control
- Web Control
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- remote control
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- Drawing Machine
- 3D Design
- 라즈베리파이
- 3D Printing
- miniMe
- Arduino
- 3D modeling
- CnC
- esp8266
- 4xiDraw
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목록ESP8266 (3)
Zalophus's DesignHouse
UPDATE 3: Version 1.3 I'm working on making the code as user friendly as possible but it's going to be a long run. I'd like to have separate html and css files but I'm still figuring it out. For now, few changes...: ! ! ! included mDNS protocol, so from now on you don't need IP address to connect to your NodeMCU, simply put terracontrol.local in your browser and you are done (you have to be on t..
Features: - ESP8266 WeMos Dq mini module which I finally found good application for (now you can buy better cheap ESPs) - 6 x LEDMatrix module with MAX7219 driver - supplied directly from USB port with USB plug - all data are synchronized every 7-8 minutes - time and date are taken from google.com - weather informations are grabbed from openweather.org JSON api - currency rates are grabbed from ..
ESP8266 modules are great low cost stand alone controllers with built in Wi-Fi. In this Instructable I will show you how you can control a Servo remotely over Wi-Fi with a Rotary Encoder. The Instructable is a similar but more advanced version of the "Arduino Nano and Visuino: Control Servo with Rotary Encoder" Instructable.In the Instructable, I will use 2 NodeMCUmodules. One version 0.9, and t..